AMPED Health and Safety Guidelines
At AMPED, our first priority is the health, safety and well-being of our students, families, teachers, and staff.
We have policies in place for general health and safety, and additional precautionary measures for COVID-19 or other transmittable diseases. All students/families are required to sign and adhere to our health policies outlined below:
PLEASE do not come to the school if you or your child are sick or are having any symptoms of illness.
This includes fever above 100.4*, coughing, runny nose, sore throat, shortness of breath etc.
Remember, as long as you contact us at least 15 minutes prior to your lesson, your teacher will provide you an online lesson, or an individualized Home Study Lesson in your Teacher Zone Portal.
As we re-open for lessons, we will be asking all of our students, families, and teachers to follow CDC recommended hygiene, protection, and distancing protocols.
All students will enter through the back door of the school.
Students will not be allowed to enter prior to the time of their lesson.
At the start time of the lesson, please ring the back doorbell, and a staff member will let you in.
Only one adult may enter the studio with a minor student (siblings will not be allowed to enter the facility).
All students and accompanying adults will be scanned for fever and asked to leave if temperature is above 100.4*.
All students and accompanying adults will wash their hands with soap and water upon entering and will be required to wear a protective face covering at all times when inside the school.
Vocal students will be provided with their own Protective Clear Plastic Face Shield, which will be sanitized by staff after each lesson. These will be labeled with the student’s name and will be stored at the school.
AMPED staff will sanitize instruments and equipment prior to and after each lesson. We will have ample supplies of hand sanitizer and masks.
Students and teachers will follow distancing protocols during lessons. We will be configuring space in the school to ensure 6-8 foot distance between teacher and student.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 661-729-2673